Earth Observation of Water Resources  

Water and energy are fundamental for life on Earth, their variations, trends, and extremes are sources for drought extremes, heat waves, heavy rains, floods, and intensive storms that are increasingly threatening our society to cause havoc as the climate changes. Better observations and analysis of these phenomena will help improve our ability to understand their physical processes (as introduced in Q2.1) and to model and predict them. Earth Observation technology is a unique tool to provide a global understanding of essential water and energy variables and monitor their evolution from global to basin scales. In this course, you will learn the physical principles of how electromagnetic signals were applied to monitor these essential variables by spaceborne sensors, and learn tools and methods to collect, process, and visualize Earth observation data of surface solar radiation, evapotranspiration, precipitation, soil moisture, and terrestrial water storage. Furthermore, students will learn how to retrieve the essential water/climate variable – soil moisture from Earth observation data, applying the radiative transfer theory.
The course lasts for 10 weeks with 2 days a week, and the Q2.1 (Physical Processes) and Q2.2 (Earth Observations) of water and energy cycles in the Earth system are designed as such to be closely complementary to each other. The course is designed for a continuous flow and the student is mostly unaware of this partition, adding to the robustness of the teaching. In this way, the 10 weeks are divided in topics covering Water and Energy Balance components, each of which could last between 1 to 2 weeks depending on the complexity. Each topic ends up with a Question Hour direct to the involved staff. A number of quizzes are designed along the way as formative assessments, able to correct misalignments in the studies. Some topics have field trips to the novel LILA site at the campus in the University of Twente, where students practice on equipment and measuring devices.
Core ITC (Q1). Physics and math background. ,knowledge of geometry, goniometry, integration, differentiation
Earth Observation of Water Resources


Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation